Santa Cruz Metropolitan Brainshop

Santa Cruz Metropolitan Brainshop

The Santa Cruz Metropolitan Brianshop began at the Society of Engineers, in which economic, institutional, social, territorial, and environmental issues will be addressed for six days to define the strategic projects that the metropolitan area will have to face.
The event facilitator is ★ Pedro B. Ortiz, current director of the International Metropolitan Institute, former mayor of the district of Madrid (Spain), who opened the event that will last six days.
Among the attendees and speakers, they began to visualize strategic projects that have to do with industrial and logistics parks, road and urban infrastructure, governance, etc., that allow Santa Cruz to reach levels of productivity and efficiency that relate it to other metropolises and generate greater economic benefit for the region.
As an example, Ortiz indicated that 25% of the world's population that lives in the world's metropolises generates 75% of the world's Gross Domestic Product, which highlights the importance of developing planning that allows this process to generate benefits to the inhabitants of the metropolitan region of Santa Cruz.
Until February 26, these debates will continue to be developed through a work methodology in which 48 experts will provide and receive information from the municipalities and institutions to prioritize the metropolitan works that must be carried out, as well as the mechanisms for financing them with the participation of the public sector, the private sector, and international cooperation organizations.
"These projects are going to define the largest metropolitan investments in logistics, industrial innovation parks, accessibility infrastructures, etc. These economic and social investments are going to generate wealth and employment for those municipalities that are participating in the location of said projects," ★ Pedro B. Ortiz assured.
A Steering Committee carries out this initiative, made up of the Santa Cruz Departmental Bolivian Society of Engineers, the Santa Cruz Chamber of Exporters, the Santa Cruz Construction Chamber, and the College of Architects. The workshops that are being carried out to define the bases of Metropolitan Santa Cruz have the support of the Government of Santa Cruz, the surrounding municipalities, universities, organizations such as UN-Habitat, the Federation of Professionals, and Private Entrepreneurs of Santa Cruz, among others institutions.
